miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

Guia- Actualizacion de la Recepcion!

Hello Citizens!

Frank, the Architect is ready to help you upgrade your Wedding Hall. Start your renovation today!

Before you get started, Here's a quick summary of this feature!

Benefits of Upgrading your Wedding hall.
  • Increased population cap.
  • More Energy when collecting.
  • Chance to get Sunglasses from upgraded Wedding Hall.
  • Cool new look!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I still have more than one Wedding Hall?
A: Yes.

Q: Do I have to upgrade each one separately?
A: Yes.

Q: If I delete a Wedding Hall, do I have to start the upgrade process again?
A: Yes.

Upgrading to Level 2
Once you reach a population level of 700+, you will see the familiar upgrade arrow above your Wedding Hall:

Click the building to bring up the upgrade window. Upgrading to Level 2 requires you to add 6 new crew members. Once you have upgraded your Wedding Hall, you will see your newly renovated wedding hall design!(Crew members may be added by requesting help from neighbors or with City Cash)

Result: At Level 2, your Wedding Hall supports 200 population, gives you a chance to get more energy, as well as a chance to receive Sunglasses when collecting.

Upgrading to Level 3

Level 3 Requirements:
  • Have a Level 2 Wedding Hall.
  • Reach 2250 or more population.

After you have met the upgrade requirements, click your Wedding Hall to bring up the upgrade window. Upgrading to Level 3 requires you to add 8 additional crew members, for a total of 20. (Crew members may be added by requesting help from neighbors or with City Cash)

Result: At Level 3, your Wedding Hall supports 520 population, you have an increased chance to receive more Sunglasses and more energy when collecting.

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